Family Classes
We believe that caregivers are the best role models for healthy habits, so we encourage families to workout TOGETHER! Have fun and share some quality time getting healthy – with a bonus of checking one more thing off your list of to-do's!
Our Family Classes are fun, safe, and effective for all ages, incorporating age-appropriate modifications to ensure everyone is challenged appropriately. Our workouts target various fitness skills such as strength, endurance, balance, coordination and flexibility. These are REAL workouts that will challenge you and leave you feeling great!
Our Family Classes are drop-in, allowing you to work around your schedule. ​​​​

Please check the current schedule on our SignUp page and/or Mindbody. Be sure to reserve your spot in Mindbody prior to class. Classes with no sign ups 30min prior to class may be subject to cancellation.

Power Play
High-energy class blends fitness for caregivers with playful movement for preschoolers! With exercises designed to challenge adults while keeping little ones active and entertained through creative games and activities. Everyone leaves feeling accomplished, connected, and ready for some well-earned rest!
Mon, 10:15-11:00am

Family Circuit
This family-friendly circuit training class will have you and your child moving through a series of stations focused on cardio and strength. From slam balls to agility ladders to planks, exercises at each station will be modified for ages and fitness levels and will always be fun!
Ages 8yrs+ with caregiver
Tues, 5:30-6:15pm

Intro to Weightlifting
Learn the basics of weightlifting, including proper technique and movement patterns to ensure safety and effectiveness. Focused on basic barbell and dumbbell free-weights, participants will learn proper squat, bench press, and deadlift techniques building general strength and confidence in lifting.
Ages 13yrs+
Special Program - Details to come in later this fall